Frame Objects with Perspective Camera with padding in Maya

I ran into a situation where the user needed a tool to reframe a perspective camera to an object while allowing to add a minimum padding between the object and the edge of the frame. Using cmds.viewFit(…) will get the selected object in view, but it doesn’t behave like I expected. Neither command zooms close enough so the object touches opposite edges of the frame; there’s always padding around the object.

This function moves the given camera into position so the view (within the resolution gate) will have the given objects in frame edge to edge, minus the given percentage padding. It uses a combination of trigonometry, matrix & vector math, and some bounding box hacking to get the info we need to move the camera into position. It only translates the camera; it does not perform scales or rotations, nor does it change any camera attributes like field of view. It tests for both horizontal and vertical FOVs and uses the larger Z value, thus making sure the entire object is in frame.

from math import (radians, tan)
from time import sleep

from maya.api.OpenMaya import (MMatrix, MPoint, MVector)
import maya.cmds as cmds

def frame_camera_to_objects(cam, objs, padding):
    """Frame given objects with given padding.  Make sure "Resolution Gate"
    is enabled.

        cam (str): Name of camera node to move.
        objs (list[str]): Objects to frame.
        padding (float): Padding around the frame in percentage (0.0 - 1.0).

        maya.api.OpenMaya.MPoint: New Position of camera.
    if not objs:

    # Variables

    # Camera transform matrix.
    cam_tr = MMatrix(cmds.xform(cam, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True))
    cam_fov =, q=True, horizontalFieldOfView=True)
    render_height = cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.height")
    render_width = cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.width")
    frame_ar = 1.0 * render_height / render_width  # frame aspect ratio.

    # Padding
    if padding < 0:
        # No negative padding.
        padding = 0.0
    # Since padding is on both sides of the frame, the highest padding available
    # should be less than 50%.
    # No padding * 2 == 100%.
    if padding * 2 > 0.998:
        padding = 0.499

    # Vectors

    # Since we want vectors representing each side of the FOV (minus padding),
    # they need to be normalized.
    # Divide FOV in 2 to create right angle with the image plane.
    # Assume distance to image plane (adjacent side) is 1.
    # Use tangent to calculate opposite side / adjacent side ratio.
    # Since adjacent side is 1, opposite side = tan(FOV/2)
    # Calculate length of opposite side minus total padding.
    # Build vector in relation to camera (as if camera were at origin),
    # then normalize.

    # # Tangents: Used to find the edge of FOV (minus padding).
    ang_ht = tan(radians(cam_fov / 2)) * (1.0 - padding * 2)
    ang_vt = ang_ht * frame_ar

    # Padding Vectors: Vectors representing edge of FOV (minus padding).
    vec_r = MVector(ang_ht, 0, -1).normalize()  # Right
    vec_l = MVector(-ang_ht, 0, -1).normalize()  # Left
    vec_b = MVector(0, -ang_vt, -1).normalize()  # Bottom
    vec_t = MVector(0, ang_vt, -1).normalize()  # Top

    # Make a FOV matrix where the x and y axes are aligned with the right and
    # left FOV (minus padding) vectors on the camera in world-space.
    c_tr_h_mtrx = MMatrix()  # Identity matrix.
    # Build orientation matrix.  X and Y axes will be at FOV (minus padding)
    # angle and might not be at right angle. Results will be sheared.
    c_tr_h_mtrx_data = [
        (vec_r.x, vec_r.y, vec_r.z),  # x-axis: right
        (vec_l.x, vec_l.y, vec_l.z),  # y-axis: left
        (0, 1, 0),  # z-axis: cam y-axis
        (0, 0, 0)]
    for r in range(3):
        for c in range(3):
            c_tr_h_mtrx.setElement(r, c, c_tr_h_mtrx_data[r][c])
    c_tr_h = c_tr_h_mtrx * cam_tr

    # Make a FOV matrix where the x and y axes are aligned with the bottom and
    # top FOV (minus padding) vectors on the camera in world-space.
    c_tr_v_mtrx = MMatrix()  # Identity matrix.
    # Build orientation matrix.  X and Y axes will be at FOV (minus padding)
    # angle and might not be at right angle. Results will be sheared.
    c_tr_v_mtrx_data = [
        (vec_b.x, vec_b.y, vec_b.z),  # x-axis: bottom
        (vec_t.x, vec_t.y, vec_t.z),  # y-axis: top
        (1, 0, 0),  # z-axis: cam x-axis
        (0, 0, 0)]
    for r in range(3):
        for c in range(3):
            c_tr_v_mtrx.setElement(r, c, c_tr_v_mtrx_data[r][c])
    c_tr_v = c_tr_v_mtrx * cam_tr

    # Min and max points of object bounding box in relation to each horizontal
    # and vertical FOV (minus padding) matrix.
    min_max_h = get_min_max(objs, c_tr_h)
    min_max_v = get_min_max(objs, c_tr_v)

    # Minimum Horizontal point in camera-space, converted from FOV matrix space.
    min_pos_h = MPoint(
        MPoint(min_max_h[0].x, min_max_h[0].y, 0) * c_tr_h * cam_tr.inverse())
    # Minimum Vertical point in camera-space, converted from FOV matrix space.
    min_pos_v = MPoint(
        MPoint(min_max_v[0].x, min_max_v[0].y, 0) * c_tr_v * cam_tr.inverse())

    # New Position in camera-space.
    new_pos = MPoint(
        min_pos_h.z if min_pos_h.z > min_pos_v.z else min_pos_v.z)

    # New Position in world-space.
    new_pos *= cam_tr

    cmds.xform(cam, ws=True, t=[new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z])

    return new_pos

def get_min_max(objs, tr_matrix=MMatrix()):
    """Returns the absolute minimum and maximum points occupied by objs based on
    the given coordinate system.

        objs (list[str]): List of objs to establish a bounding box.
        tr_matrix (maya.api.OpenMaya.MMatrix): Matrix to derive a
            coordinate system.  Defaults to world matrix.

        list[maya.api.OpenMaya.MPoint]: List of min and max points,
            i.e. [(xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmax)]
    min_all = None
    max_all = None
    for obj in objs:
        node_bb = node_get_bounding_box(obj, tr_matrix)
        v_min = node_bb[0]
        v_max = node_bb[1]
        if min_all is None:
            min_all = v_min
            max_all = v_max
            if v_min.x < min_all.x:
                min_all.x = v_min.x
            if v_max.x > max_all.x:
                max_all.x = v_max.x
            if v_min.y < min_all.y:
                min_all.y = v_min.y
            if v_max.y > max_all.y:
                max_all.y = v_max.y
            if v_min.z < min_all.z:
                min_all.z = v_min.z
            if v_max.z > max_all.z:
                max_all.z = v_max.z
    if min_all is None:
        return None
        return [min_all, max_all]

def node_get_bounding_box(obj_nm, mtrx_coord=MMatrix()):
    """Returns a list of min and max points of bounding box relative to the
    given matrix coordinate system.

        obj_nm (str): Name of object.
        mtrx_coord (maya.api.OpenMaya.MMatrix): Matrix whose coordinate system
            to use to orient the bounding box. Default is world matrix.

        list[maya.api.OpenMaya.MPoint]: Min and max points of bounding box
            relative to the given matrix coordinate system.
    mtrx_obj_orig = MMatrix(cmds.xform(obj_nm, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True))

    # If camera were at the origin, this matrix transforms the object to
    # the same orientation relative to the camera.
    mtrx_obj_coord_relative = mtrx_obj_orig * mtrx_coord.inverse()
    # Move object relative to camera if camera were at the origin.
    cmds.xform(obj_nm, ws=True, m=mtrx_obj_coord_relative)

    # There are two ways to accomplish this:
    # 1) Duplicate the object, freeze transformations, get bounding box min/max
    # points, delete duplicate object.
    obj_copy_name = cmds.duplicate(
        obj_nm, name="{}_copy_delete_me".format(obj_nm))[0]
    # Freeze Transformations, thus aligning the local bbox with world space.
        obj_copy_name, apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True)
    # Get Bounding box in world space.
    xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = cmds.exactWorldBoundingBox(

    # 2) Freeze transformations on original object, get bounding box min/max
    # points, undo freeze transformations.
    # cmds.makeIdentity(
    #     obj_nm, apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True)
    # xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = cmds.exactWorldBoundingBox(obj_nm)
    # cmds.undo()

    # Put object back into original position.
    cmds.xform(obj_nm, ws=True, m=mtrx_obj_orig)

    return [MPoint(xmin, ymin, zmin), MPoint(xmax, ymax, zmax)]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cam_name = "camera1"
    selection =

    if selection:
        for p in [0.0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50]:
            frame_camera_to_objects(cam_name, selection, p)
            sleep(1), replace=True)


Retrieve Main Window in PyQt/PySide for DCC Apps

If you’re developing within a DCC and you create a new GUI element in PyQt/PySide, such as a QFrame, QMainWindow, or QDialog, you’re going to want the main window of the DCC app as the parent of the new GUI element. This ensures that when we close the main app, the new widget closes as well. Here are the ways I’ve gotten the main window for the most recent DCCs I’ve used:

3DS MAX 2020


from PySide2 import QtWidgets

def get_qmax_main_window():
    """Get the 3DS MAX main window.
        PySide2.QtWidgets.QMainWindow: 'QMainWindow' 3DS MAX main window.
    for w in QtWidgets.QApplication.topLevelWidgets():
        if w.inherits('QMainWindow') and 
                w.metaObject().className() == 'QmaxApplicationWindow':
            return w
    raise RuntimeError('Count not find QmaxApplicationWindow instance.')

Houdini 18


import hou

def getHoudiniMainWindow():
    """Get the Houdini main window.
        PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget: 'QWidget' Houdini main window.
    return hou.qt.mainWindow()

Katana 3

from UI4.App import MainWindow

def getKatanaMainWindow():
    """Get the Katana main window.

        UI4.App.MainWindow.KatanaWindow: 'KatanaWindow' Katana main window.
    return MainWindow.GetMainWindow()

Mari 4

from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication

import mari

def getMariMainWindow():
    """Get the Mari main window.
        PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget: 'MriMainWindow' Mari main window.

    # Set Mari main window to be in focus.

    # Returns the window that has focus.
    return QApplication.activeWindow()

Maya 2020

from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import shiboken2

import maya.OpenMayaUI as apiUI

def getMayaMainWindow():
    """Get the Maya main window.
        PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget:  'TmainWindow' Maya main window.

    ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
    if ptr is not None:
        return shiboken2.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget)

Nuke 12

from PySide2 import QtWidgets

def getNukeMainWindow():
    """Get the Nuke main window.

        PySide2.QtWidgets.QMainWindow: 'DockMainWindow' Nuke 
            main window.
    for w in QtWidgets.QApplication.topLevelWidgets():
        if w.inherits('QMainWindow') and w.metaObject().className() == \
            return w
    raise RuntimeError('Could not find DockMainWindow instance')

A simple “QApplication.activeWindow()” would also probably work for Nuke, but if there are multiple instances of QMainWindow, it might get confused. As far as I know, there is only one “Foundry::UI::DockMainWindow“, so it’s best to check for that.